Elevate your sleep with a bed that’s truly yours – the TEMPURArc™. A series of beautifully-crafted bed bases, headboards,legs and colours – where design is perfectly in line withperformance. Helping you create the perfect bed for you andyour bedroom. A TEMPUR Arc™ bed is the perfect complementto any TEMPUR®mattress and our unique system of bed basesand support types has been carefully designed to optimise theperformance of your mattress.Giving you the ultimate TEMPUR®sleep experience.
TEMPUR Arc™ Static bed bases provide a classic and stylishplatform for your sleep. These beautifully upholstered bedframes are available in a choice of quality fabrics and colours.And they’re designed to match and complement your TEMPUR®mattress.
To personalise your sleep even more, a TEMPUR Arc™ Discbed base offers a more precise level of comfort and support.Discs in the bed frame flex with your body, adjusting to yourindividual shape and movement. These discs can also bearranged to fit your individual preference in softer and firmerzones for an even more customised sleeping surface. Openingsbetween the discs ensure the right level of airflow for mattressventilation. And to further match your comfort needs, disc bedbases are available in both adjustable and static.
The TEMPUR Arc™ bed range makes the often-complexprocess of assembly simpler than ever. Our modular systemof components ensures every bed is easy to design, moveand assemble. In fact, no tools are needed to put the easy toassemble TEMPUR Arc™ bed together, meaning your bed canbe brought to life in minutes.
The beauty of a TEMPUR Arc™ bed is that it can be tailoredto your needs. Thanks to our modular system of bed bases,support frames, headboards, legs, colours, and accessories,you can choose and create the perfect customisable bedfor you. And if your style or needs change over time, so canyour TEMPUR Arc™ bed. Giving you a flexible long-lastingpersonalised bed that evolves with you.
TEMPUR Arc™ Static bed bases provide a classic and stylish platform for your sleep. These beautifully upholstered bed frames are available in a choice of quality fabrics and colours. To personalise your sleep even more, a TEMPUR Arc™ Disc bed base offers a more precise level of comfort and support. Discs in the bed frame flex with your body, adjusting to your individual shape and movement. These discs can also be arranged to fit your individual preference in softer and firmer zones for an even more customised sleeping surface. Openings between the discs ensure the right level of airflow for mattress ventilation. And to further match your comfort needs, disc bed bases are available in both adjustable and static.